Columnista Experto de SIIC Joaquín Campos Franco
en colaboración con
López Rodríguez Raimundo, Licenciado en Medicina. Médico Especialista en Medicina Interna, Santiago de Compostela, España; Alende Sixto Rosario, Licenciada en Medicina. Médica Especialista en Medicina Interna, Santiago de Compostela, España; González Quintela Arturo, Doctor en Medicina. Médico Especialista en Medicina Interna. Profesor Titular de, Santiago de Compostela, España
Fecha de aprobación: 4 de enero, 2007
Primera edición en siicsalud:
13 de febrero, 2007
Sección Artículos originales,
Expertos de Iberoamérica,
Especialidad principal:
Especialidades relacionadas:
Anatomía Patológica,Bioquímica,Cirugía,Diagnóstico por Laboratorio,Medicina Interna,
González Quintela A, Mallo N, Mella C, Campos J, Pérez LF, Tome S, Otero E. Serum levels of cytokeratin-18 (tissue polypeptide-specific antigen) in liver diseases., Liver International 26:1217-1224, 2006
González Quintela A, García J, Campos J, Pérez LF, Alende MR, Otero E, Abdulkader I, Tome S. Serum cytokeratins in alcoholic liver disease: contrasting levels of cytokeratin-18 and cytokeratin-19., Alcohol 38:45-49, 2006
González Quintela A, Gude F, Campos J, Garea MT, Rey J, Meijide L, Fernández Merino MC, Vidal C. Toxocara infection seroprevalence and its relationship with atopic features in a general adult population., International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 139:317-324, 2006
Campos J, Gude F, Quinteiro C, Vidal C, González Quintela A. Gene by environment interaction: the -159C T polymorphism in the promoter region of the CD14 gene modifies the effect of alcohol consumption on serum IgE levels., Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research 30:7-14, 2006
Campos J, González Quintela A, Quinteiro C, Gude F, Pérez LF, Vidal C. The -159C T polymorphism in the promoter region of the CD14 gene is associated with advanced liver disease and serum levels of acute-phase proteins in heavy drinkers., Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research 2005(2005):1206-1213, 2006
Campos Franco J, González Quintela A, Alende Sixto MR. Isoniazid-induced hyperacute liver failure in a young patient receiving carbamazepine., European Journal of Internal Medicine 15:396-397, 2004
González Quintela A, Mella C, Abdulkader I, Pérez LF, Campos J, Otero E, Forteza J. Serum levels of tissue polypeptide specific antigen are correlated with hepatocyte cytokeratin expression in alcoholic liver disease., Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research 28:1413-1418, 2004
Joaquín Campos Franco
Dirección profesional:
15706, Santiago de Compostela, España