Columnista Experta de SIIC Weijing Sun
en colaboración con
Primera edición en siicsalud:
1 de junio, 2005
Sección Artículos originales,
Expertos de Iberoamérica,
Especialidad principal:
Especialidades relacionadas:
Medicina Farmacéutica,
Medicina Interna,
Shetty K, Timmins K, Brensinger C, Furth EE, Rattan S, Sun W, Rosen M, Soulen M, Shaked A, Reddy KR, Olthoff KM. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma validation of present selection criteria in predicting outcome, Liver Transpl 10(10):911-8
Vertonese ML, Stevenson JP, Sun W, Redlinger M, Algazy K, Giantonio B, Hahn S Vaughn D, Thorn C, Whitehead AS, Haller D, O’Dwyer PJ. Phase I trial of UFT/leucovorin in patients with advanced cancer, Euro J Cancer 40(40):508-14
Stevenson JP, Rosen M, Sun W, Gallagher M, Haller DG, Vaughn D, Giantoio B, Zimmer R, Petros W, Stratford M, Chaplin D, Young SL, Schnall M, O’Dwyer PJ: Phase I trial of the antivascular agent combretastain A4 phosephate on a five-day schedule to patients with cancer: MRI evidence for altered tumor blood flow, J Clin Oncol 21:4428-4438
Sun W, Stevenson JP, Gallagher M, Vaughn D, Hahn SM, Haller DG, Gallant G, and O’Dwyer PJ. Phase I and pharmacokinetic trial of BMS-184476 administered as a 1-hour intravenous infusion in combination with cisplatin every 21 days, Clin Cancer Res 9(9):5221-5227
Flaherty KT, Stevenson JP, Gallagher M, Algazy KM, Sun W, Haller DG, O’Dwyer PJ. Dose escalation study of tezacitabine in combination with cisplatin in patients with advanced cancer, Cancer 97:1985-1990
Sun W, Haller D. Irinotecan and fixed-dose rate gemcitabine in advanced pancreatic and biliary cancer: Phase I study, Oncology 17(17):16-19
Stevenson JP, Sun W, Gallagher M, Johnson R, Vaughn D, Schuchter L, Alazy K, Hahn S, Enas N, Ellis D, Thornton D, and O’Dwyer PJ. Phase I trial of the cryptophycin analogue LY 355703 administered as an intravenous infusion on a day and 8 schedule every 21 days, Clin Cancer Res 8:2524-2529
Sun W, Stevenson JP, Gallo JM, Redlinger M, Haller DG, Algazy K, Giantonio B, Alila H, and O’Dwyer PJ. Phase I and pharmacokinetic trail of the proapoptotic sulindac analog CP-461 in patients with advanced cancer, Clin Cancer Res 8(8):3100-3104
Weijing Sun