sicariro.jpg Eugenio Picano
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Staff investigator National Council of Research. Specialization field Cardiology, CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology Pisa, Italy, Pisa, Italia
Columnista Experta de SIIC Eugenio Picano en colaboración con

Fecha de aprobación: 11 de agosto, 2004
Primera edición en siicsalud: 25 de abril, 2005
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/69776  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalCardiología
Especialidad principalDiagnóstico por Imágenes

Especialidades relacionadas:
Medicina Interna,Medicina Nuclear,

  • Picano E. Sustainability of medical imaging, British Medical Journal 328(328):578-580

  • Picano E. Risk of cancer from diagnostic X-rays., Lancet 363(363):1909-1910

  • Sicari R, Cortigiani L, Bigi R, Landi P, Raciti M, Picano E. Echo-Persantine International Cooperative (EPIC) Study Group; Echo-Dobutamine International Cooperative (EDIC) Study Group. Prognostic value of pharmacological stress echocardiography is affected by concomitant antiischemic therapy at the time of testing, Circulation 109(109):2428-2431

  • Picano E. Stress echocardiography: a historical perspective, American Journal of Medicine 114(114):126-130

  • Sicari R, Picano E, Landi P, Pasanisi E, Venneri L, on behalf of the Echo-Persantine International Cooperative (EPIC) and Echo-Dobutamine International Cooperative (EDIC) Study Groups. Pharmacological stress echocardiography predicts total mortality early after acute myocardial infarction, J Am Soc Echocardiog 17:114-20

  • Sicari R, Cortigiani L, Bigi R, Landi P, BSc, Raciti M, Picano E. The Prognostic value of pharmacological stress echo is affected by concomitant anti-ischemic therapy at the time of testing, Circulation 109:2428-2431

  • Picano E, Sicari R. Risk stratification by stress echocardiography: A whiter shade of pale, Editorial. Eur J Echocardiogr 5:162-4

  • Sicari R, Picano E, Cortigiani L, Borges AC, Varga A, Palagi C, Bigi R, Rossini R, Pasanisi E on behalf of the VIDA (Viability Identification with Dobutamine Administration) Study Group. Prognostic value of myocardial viability recognized by low dose dobutamine echocardiography in chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction, Am J Cardiol 92:1263-1266

  • Eugenio Picano


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