hans.jpg Hans Scherübl
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Senior registrar. Gastroenterology, GI Oncology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin Berlin, Germany, Berlín, Alemania
Columnista Experta de SIIC Hans Scherübl en colaboración con

Primera edición en siicsalud: 19 de mayo, 2005
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/69595  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalOncología

Especialidades relacionadas:
Anatomía Patológica,Cirugía,Diagnóstico por Imágenes,

  • De Villiers EM, Gunst K, Stein H, Scherubl H. Esophageal squamous cell cancer in patients with head and neck cancer: Prevalence of human papillomavirus DNA sequences, International Journal of Cancer 109:253-258

  • Scherubl H, Zeitz M. Esophageal cancer, New England Journal of Medicine 350:1363-1364

  • Sutter A, Maaser K, Gerst B, Krahn A, Zeitz M, Scherübl H. Activation of ERK1/2 by ligands of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR): Inhibition increases sensitivity of esophageal cancer cells to PBR ligands, Biochemical Pharmacology 67:1701-1710

  • Höpfner M, Maaser K, Theiss A, Lenz M, Sutter A, Kashtan H, von Lampe B, Riecken E-O, Zeitz M, Scherubl H. Hypericin activated by an incoherent light source has photodynamic effects on oesophageal cancer cells, International Journal of Colorectal Diseases 18:239-247

  • Maaser K, Däubler P, Barthel B, Heine B, von Lampe B, Stein H, Hoffmeister B, Scherer H, Scherubl H. Esophageal squamous cell neoplasia in head and neck cancer patients. Upregulation of COX-2 during carcinogenesis, British Journal of Cancer 88:1217-1222

  • Scherubl H, Sutter A, Zeitz M. NSAIDs and esophageal cancer, Gastroenterology 125:1875-1876

  • Grabowski P, Kühnel T, Mühr-Wilkenshoff F, Heine B, Stein H, Höpfner M, Germer C, Scherubl H. Prognostic value of nuclear survivin expression in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma, British Journal of Cancer 88:115-119

  • Hopfner M, Sutter A, Gerst B, Zeitz M, Scherubl H. A novel approach in the treatment of neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tumors. Targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor by gefitinib (ZD1839), British Journal of Cancer 89:1766-1775

  • Maaser K, Grabowski P, Sutter A, Barthel B, Foss HD, Berger G, Carayon P, Kühnel T, Gavish M, Zeitz M, Scherubl H. Overexpression of the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor is a relevant prognostic factor in stage III colorectal cancer, Clinical Cancer Research 8:3205-3209

  • Scherubl H, Scherer H, Hoffmeister B. Second esophageal cancers in head and neck cancer patients, New England Journal of Medicine 346:1416-1417

  • Hans Scherübl


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