butori.jpg B Lopes de Faria J
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Professor-associado, disciplina de Nefrologia Departamento de Clínica Médica Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brasil
Columnista Experta de SIIC B Lopes de Faria J en colaboración con

Primera edición en siicsalud: 14 de mayo, 2004
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/66832  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalNefrología y Medio Interno

Especialidades relacionadas:
Diagnóstico por Laboratorio,Endocrinología y Metabolismo,Genética Humana,

  • Lehfeld LS, Silveira LA, Ghini B, Lopes De Faria JB. Early Blood Pressure Normalization Independent of the Class of Antihypertensive Agent Prevents Augmented Renal Fibronectin and Albuminuria in Experimental, Diabetic Nephropathy.Kidney Blood Press Res. 27(27):114-120

  • Pavan MV, Ghini B, Castro M, Lopes de Faria JB. Prevention of hypertension attenuates albuminuria and renal expression of fibronectin in diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats., Am J Nephrol 23:422-428

  • Silveira LA, Bacchi CE, Pinto GA, Lopes de Faria JB. The genetics of hypertension modifies response in renal cell replication induced by experimental diabetes., Diabetes 51:1529-1534

  • Lopes de Faria JB, Silveira LA. Increased renal cell proliferation in spontaneously hypertensive rats before the onset of hypertension., Nephron 91:170-172

  • Righetti AE, Boer-Lima PA, Lopes de Faria JB. The presence of genetic hypertension stimulates early renal accumulation of fibronectin in experimental diabetes mellitus., Diabetologia 44:2088-2091

  • Lopes de Faria JM, Silveira LA, Morgano M, Pavin J, Lopes de Faria JB. Sodium lithium countertransport and proliferative diabetic retinopathy., Invest Ophtal Vis Sic 41:1482-1485

  • Simon AHR, Lima PRM, Ribeiro Alves MAVF, Lopes de Faria JB. Renal hemodynamic response to chicken or beef meal in normal individuals., Nephrol Dial Transplant 13:2261-2264

  • Lopes de Faria JB, Zoukhri D, Lorenzi M. Mesangial cells abnormalities in spontaneously hypertensive rats before the onset of hypertension., Kidney Int 52:387-392

  • Lopes de Faria JB, Friedman R, Cosmo S, Dodds RA, Mortton JJ, Viberti GC. Renal functional response to protein loading in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients on normal or high salt intake., Nephron 76:411-417

  • B Lopes de Faria J


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