cull.jpg Carole A. Cull
Columnista Experta de SIIC

University Research Lecturer. Specialization field: Medical statistician, Oxford, Reino Unido
Columnista Experta de SIIC Carole A. Cull en colaboración con Alex D. Wright , MB FRCP. University Hospital, Birmingham, UK.

Fecha de aprobación: 24 de febrero, 2004
Primera edición en siicsalud: 4 de mayo, 2004
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/66271  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalEndocrinología y Metabolismo

Especialidades relacionadas:
Atención Primaria,Bioquímica,Farmacología,Medicina Farmacéutica,Medicina Interna,Nutrición,

  • D.R. Hadden, C.A. Cull, D.J.Croft and R.R. Holman Poor pregnancy outcome for women with Type 2 diabetes, Diabetic Medicine 20:506-507

  • David G Bruce, Wendy A Davis, Carole A Cull and Timothy ME Davis. Diabetes education and knowledge in patients with type 2 diabetes from the community The Fremantle Diabetes Study, Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 17:82-89

  • Davis TME, Mehta Z, Mackay IR, Cull CA, Bruce DG, Fidat S, Rowley MJ and Holman RR Autoantibodies to the islet cell antigen SOX-13 are associated with duration but not type of diabetes, Diabetic Medicine 20:198-204

  • Adler Amanda I., Stevens, Richard J., Manley, Sue E., Bilous, Rudy W., Cull, Carole A., & Holman, Rury R. on behalf of the UKPDS GROUP Development and progression of nephropathy in type 2 diabetes: The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS 64), Kidney International 63(63):225-232

  • Stephen Colagiuri, Carole A Cull, and Rury R. Holman Are lower fasting plasma glucose levels at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes associated with improved outcomes (UKPDS 61), Diabetes Care 25(25):1410-1417

  • Alex Wright, AC Felix Burden, Richard B Paisey, Carole A Cull, Rury R Holman Sulfonylurea inadequacy: efficacy of addition of insulin over 6 years in patients with type 2 diabetes in the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS 57), Diabetes Care 25(25):330-336

  • Y Hashim, D Shepherd, S Wiltshire, RR Holman, JC Levy, A Clark, C A Cull Butyrylcholinesterase K variant on chromosome 3q is associated with Type II diabetes in white Caucasian subjects, Diabetologia 44:2227-2230

  • A. Gray, P. Clarke, M. Raikou, A. Adler, R. Stevens, A. Neil, C. Cull, I. Stratton, R. Holman An economic evaluation of atenolol vs. captopril in patients with Type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 54), Diabetic Medicine 18(18):438-444

  • Timothy ME Davis, Carole A Cull and Rury R Holman Relationship between Ethnicity and Glycemic Control, Lipid Profiles and Blood Pressure During the First 9 Years of Type 2 Diabetes (UKPDS55), Diabetes Care 24:1167-1174

  • Clarke P, Gray A, Adler A, Stevens R, Raikou M, Cull C, Stratton I, Holman R. Cost-effective analysis of intensive blood glucose control with metformin in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 51), Diabetologia 44:298-304

  • SE Manley, IM Stratton, CA Cull, V Frighi, EA Eeley, DR Matthews, RR Holman, RC Turner and HAW Neil Effects of three months' diet after diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes on plasma lipids and lipoproteins (UKPDS45), Diabetic Medicine 17:518-523

  • Amanda I Adler, Irene M Stratton, H Andrew W Neil, John S Yudkin, David R Matthews, Carole A, Cull, Alex D Wright, Robert C Turner, Rury R Holman on behalf of the UKPDS Group. Association of systolic blood pressure with macrovascular and microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 36), British Medical Journal 321:412-419

  • Carole A. Cull


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