bianchi.jpg Stefano Bianchi
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Privat Docent, Radiologie, Université de Genève . Musculoskeletal Imaging, Chêne-Bourgeries, Suiza
Columnista Experta de SIIC Stefano Bianchi en colaboración con Carlo Martinoli , Associate Professor of Radiology, Università di Genova, Italia.; Maria Pia Bianchi-Zamorani , Dr. Unité de Development et de Recherche des Etudes Medicales (UDREM), Université de Genève, CH-1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland.; Maura Valle , Dr. Reparto di Radiologia, Istituto G Gaslini, Genova, Italia.

Primera edición en siicsalud: 28 de abril, 2004
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/65712  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalDiagnóstico por Imágenes

Especialidades relacionadas:
Fisiatría,Ortopedia y Traumatología,Reumatología,

  • Martinoli C, Bianchi S, Prato N, Pugliese F, Zamorani MP, Valle M, Derchi LE. Us of the shoulder :non rotator cuff disorders., Radiographics 23:381-401

  • Bonvin F, Montet X, Copercini M, Martinoli C, Bianchi S. Imaging of the fractures of the lateral process of the talus, a frequently missed diagnosis., Eur J Radiol 47:64-70

  • Copercini M, Bonvin F, Martinoli C, Bianchi S. Ultrasound diagnosis of talar lateral process fracture., J Ultrasound Med 22:635-640

  • Amman P, Botta U, Bianchi S. Ultrasonographic detection and localisation of a clinically non detectable subcutaneous contraceptive implant., J Ultrasound Med 22:855-859

  • Keller A, Howarth N, Bianchi S, Pizzolato GR, Delavelle J. Typical hemangioma of the frontal bone., JBR-BTR 86:164-5

  • Binzoni T, Leung T, Hollis V, Bianchi S, Fasel JH, Bounameaux H, Hiltbrand E, Delpy D. Human tibia Bone Marrow: Defining a Model for the Study of Haemodynamics as a Function of Age by Near Infrared Spectroscopy., J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci 22(22):211-8

  • Chelli-Bouaziz M, Bouaziz N, Bianchi-Zamorani MP, Fritschy D, Bianchi S. knee trauma:cruciate ligament dysplasia associated with fibular hemimelia. Interpretation corner., Eur Radiology 13:2402-2404

  • Garavaglia G, Bianchi S, Santa DD, Fusetti C. Trans-trapezium carpo-metacarpal dislocation of the thumb., Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 24:

  • Bacigalupo L, Bianchi S, Valle M, Martinoli C.Ultrasound of nerve entrapment ., Radiologe 43(43):841-9

  • Montet X, Zamorani-Bianchi MP, Mehdizade A, Martinoli C, Bianchi S. Intramuscular ganglion arising from the acromio-clavicular joint., Clinical imaging :

  • Martinoli C, Bianchi S et al. Entrapement of the nerves of the upper extremity., JCU :

  • Bianchi S, Montet X, Martinoli C. Entrapmenet of the wrist nerves., JCU :

  • Bize P, Pugliese F, Bacigalupo L, Bianchi S. Interpretation corner bilateral shoulder pain. Unrecognized bilateral posterior shoulder dislocation diagnosed by ultrasound., Eur Radiology Accepted :

  • Mazlout O, M Saudan, Ladeb M F, Garcia J F, Bianchi S. Osteoid osteoma of the talar neck : a diagnostic challenge., European Journal of radiology Extra. Accepted :

  • Rezig R, Copercini M, Montet X, Martinoli C, Bianchi S. Ultrasound diagnosis of anterior iliopsoas impingement in total hip replacement., Skeletal Radiology :

  • Stefano Bianchi


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