mehta9.jpg Sudhir Ken Mehta
Columnista Experto de SIIC

Chairman of Pediatrics and Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics and Heart and Vascular Center, Cleveland, EE.UU.
Columnista Experto de SIIC Sudhir Ken Mehta en colaboración con Super Dennis M., MD, MPH, Metro Health Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Fecha de aprobación: 11 de septiembre, 2003
Primera edición en siicsalud: 5 de diciembre, 2003
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/20062  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalCardiología

Especialidades relacionadas:
Cuidados Intensivos,Cirugía,Epidemiología,Medicina Interna,Pediatría,

  • Noland JS, Singer LT, Mehta SK, Super DM. Prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure and infant performance on an executive functioning task, Developmental Neuropsychology 24:449-517, 2003

  • Mehta SK, Super DM, Connuck D, Kirchner HL, Salvator A, Singer L, Fradley LG, Kaufman ES. Autonomic alterations in cocaine-exposed infants, American Heart Journal 144:1109-1115, 2002

  • Mehta SK, Richards N. Parental involvement in pediatric cardiology outpatient visits, Clinical Pediatrics 41:593-596, 2002

  • Mehta SK, Super DM, Salvator A, Singer L, Connuck D, Fradley LG, Harcar-Sevcik RA, Thomas JD, Sun JP. Diastolic filling Abnormalities by Color Kinesis in Newborns exposed to Intrauterine Cocaine, Journal of American Society of Echocardiography 15:447-453, 2002

  • Mehta SK, Super DM, Connuck D, Kirchner HL, Salvator A, Singer L, Fradley LG, Thomas JD, Sun JP. Diastolic alterations in infants exposed to In-utero Cocaine: a follow-up study by color kinesis., Journal of American Society of Echocardiography 15:1361-1366, 2002

  • Connuck D, Sun JP, Super DM, Kirchner HL, Fradley LG, Harcar-Sevcik RA, Salvator A, Singer L, Mehta SK. Incidence of patent ductus arteriosus and patent foramen ovale in normal infants, American Journal of Cardiology 89:244-247, 2002

  • Sun JP, Super DM, Salvator A, Singer L, Connuck D, Fradley LG, Harcar-Sevcik RA, Kirchner HL, Thomas JD, Mehta SKQuantification of regional left ventricular wall motion in newborns by color kinesis, Journal of American Society of Echocardiography 15:356-363, 2002

  • Mehta SK, Super DM, Salvator A, Fradley LG, Connuck D, Kaufman ES. Heart rate variability by triangular index in infants exposed prenatally to cocaine, Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 7:374-378, 2002

  • Sudhir Ken Mehta


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