parish9.jpg David C. Parish
Columnista Experto de SIIC

Profesor de Medicina Interna, Georgia, EE.UU.
Columnista Experto de SIIC David C. Parish en colaboración con Dinesh Chandra K.M., MD, MPH, Mercer University School of Medicine; Dane Francis C., PhD, Saginaw Valley State University

Fecha de aprobación: 7 de agosto, 2003
Primera edición en siicsalud: 23 de marzo, 2004
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/20016  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalCuidados Intensivos

Especialidades relacionadas:
Cardiología,Cuidados Intensivos,Emergentología,Medicina Interna,

  • Parish,D.C.,Dane,F.C.,Chandra,K.M. Success changes the problem: Why ventricular fibrillation is decling, why pulseless electrical activity is emerging, and what to do about it, Resuscitation 58(58):31-35

  • Van Walraven, C., Forster, A.J., Parish, D.C., Dane, F.C., Chandra, D., Durham, M.D., Whaley, C., Stiell, I. Validation of a clinical Decision Aid to Discontinue In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitations, JAMA 285(285):1602-1606

  • Dane, F.C., Russell-Lindgren, K.S., Parish, D.C., Durham, M.D., Brown, T.D., In-Hospital Resuscitaiton: Association Between ACLS Training and Survival to Discharge, Resuscitation 47(47):83-87

  • Parish, D.C., Dane, F.C., Montgomery, M., Wynn, L.J., Durham, M.D., Brown, T.D. Resuscitation in the Hospital: Relationship of Year and Rhythm to Outcome, Resuscitation 47(47):219-229

  • Parish, D.C., Dane, F.C., Montgomery, M., Wynn, L.J., Durham, M.D.Resuscitation in the Hospital: Differential Relationships Between Age and Survival Across Rhythms, Critical Care Medicine 27(27):2137-2141

  • Ergul, S., Ergul, A., Hudson,J., Puett, D., Wieman, B., Durham, M., and Parish, D.C. The Effect ofRegulation of High Blood Pressure on Plasma Endothelin-1 Levels in African-American Hypertensive, American Journal of Hypertension 11(11):1381-1385

  • Camp, B.,Andrews, R., Parish, D.CEffect of Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training on Resusciation Efforts and Survival in a Rural Hospital, Annals of Emergency Medicine 29(29):529-533

  • Ergul, S., Parish, D.C., Puett, D., And Ergul, A.Racial Differences inPlasma Endothelin Concentrations in Essential Hypertension, Hypertension 28(28):652-655

  • David C. Parish


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