lindblad_n1810.jpg Frank Lindblad
Columnista Experto de SIIC

MD, PhD, professor. Department of Neuroscience, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry., Uppsala University, Uppsala, Suecia
Columnista Experto de SIIC Frank Lindblad en colaboración con Backman Lena, Research Assistant, Stockholm University, Estocolmo, Suecia; Lundin Anders, Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Estocolmo, Suecia; Åkerstedt Torbjörn, PhD, Professor, Director, Stockholm University, Estocolmo, Suecia

Fecha de aprobación: 30 de noviembre, 2010
Primera edición en siicsalud: 2 de mayo, 2011
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/113131  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalPediatría

Especialidades relacionadas:
Atención Primaria,Educación Médica,Epidemiología,Medicina Familiar,Nutrición,Salud Mental,Salud Pública,

  • Stenius F, Swartz J Lindblad F, Pershagen G, Scheynius A, Alm J, Theorell T. Low salivary cortisol levels in infants of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle, Psychoneuroendocrinology 35:1431-7, 2010

  • Lindblad F, Hjern A. ADHD after foetal exposure to maternal smoking, Nicotine & Tobacco Research 12:408-15, 2010

  • Lindgren C, Lindblad F. The enigma of the welfare state: Excellent child health prerequisites - poor subjective health, Acta Paediatrica 99:803-7, 2010

  • Hjern A, Ringbäck Weitoft G, Lindblad F. Social adversity predicts ADHD-medication in school children - a national cohort study, Acta Paediatrica 99:920-4, 2010

  • Ekéus C, Lindström K, Lindblad F, Rasmussen F, Hjern A. Preterm birth, social adversity and cognitive competence in young Swedish men- a national cohort study, Pediatrics 125:67-73, 2010

  • Boman K, Lindblad F, Hjern A. Long-term outcomes of childhood cancer survivors in Sweden: A population-based study of education, employment and income, Cancer 116:1385-91, 2010

  • Vinnerljung B, Lindblad F, Hjern A, Rasmussen F, Monica Dalen M. School performance at age 16 among international adoptees - A Swedish national cohort study, International Social Work 53:510-27, 2010

  • Von Borczyskowski A, Lindblad F, Vinnerljung B, Hjern A. Gender differences in risk factors for suicide - findings from a Swedish National Cohort Study, Can J Psych 5:108-11, 2010

  • Lindblad F, Ringbäck Weitoft G, Hjern A. ADHD in international adoptees - a national cohort study, Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 19:37-44, 2010

  • Jablonska B. Lindberg L, Lindblad F, Östberg V, Hjern A. School performance and hospital admissions because of self-harm - a Swedish national cohort study, International Journal of Epidemiology 38:1334-41, 2009

  • Ivarsson M, Anderson M, Åkerstedt T, Lindblad F. Playing a violent television game does not affect saliva cortisol, Acta Paediatrica 98:1052-3, 2009

  • Ekéus C, Hjern A, Lindblad F, Vinnerljung B. Teenage childbearing among female international adoptees. A national cohort study, Acta Paediatrica 98(98):1054-6, 2009

  • Lindström K, Lindblad F, Hjern A. Psychiatric morbidity in young adults born preterm: a Swedish national cohort study, Pediatrics 123(123):47-53, 2009

  • Lindblad F, Dalen M, Rasmussen F, Vinnerljung B, Hjern A. School performance of international adoptees better than expected from cognitive test results, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 18:301-8, 2009

  • Lindholm T, Sjöberg RL, Pedroletti C, Boman A, Olsson G, Sund A, Lindblad F. Infants' and toddlers' remembering and forgetting of a stressful medical procedure, Journal of Pediatric Psychology 34:205-16, 2009

  • Frank Lindblad Los suscriptores, miembros de SIIC y socios del Círculo de Lectores pueden solicitar información adicional. Para enviarla, SIIC solicitará aprobación del autor.

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    SE-751 85, Uppsala, Suecia


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