Columnista Experta de SIIC Martha M. Funnell
en colaboración con
Fecha de aprobación: 24 de noviembre, 2009
Primera edición en siicsalud:
5 de abril, 2010
Sección Artículos originales,
Expertos de Iberoamérica,
Especialidad principal:
Especialidades relacionadas:
Administración Hospitalaria,
Atención Primaria,
Medicina Familiar,
Medicina Interna,
Salud Pública,
Funnell MM. Diabetes self-management and support: the key to diabetes care, Diabetes Voice 34:20-54, 2009
Weiss MA, Funnell MM. In the beginning: Setting the stage for effective diabetes care, Clinical Diabetes 27:149-151, 2009
Peyrot M, Rubin RR, Funnell, MM, Siminerio LM. Access to diabetes self-management education: results of a national survey of patients, educators and physicians, The Diabetes Educator 35:246-263, 2009
Anderson RM, Funnell MM, Aikens JE, Krein SL, Fitzgerald JT, Nwankwo R, Tannas CL, Tang TS. Evaluating the efficacy of an empowerment-based self-management consultant intervention: results of a two-year randomized controlled trial, Therapeutic Patient Education 1:3-11, 2009
Funnell MM, Weiss MA. Empowering patients with diabetes, Nursing 39(39):34-36, 2009
Funnell MM. Finding and using patient education materials, Clinical Diabetes 27:30-32, 2009
Funnell MM. Standards of care for diabetes, Nursing 38(38):47-49, 2008
Funnell MM, Weiss MA. Patient empowerment: The LIFE approach, European Diabetes Nursing 5:75-78, 2008
Funnell MM, Anderson RM. Are patients or outcomes more important?, Review of Endocrinology 2(2):49-51, 2008
Tang TS, Brown MB, Funnell MM, Anderson RM. Social support, quality of life and self-care behaviors among African Americans with type 2 diabetes, The Diabetes Educator 34:266-276, 2008
Anderson RM, Funnell MM. The art and science of diabetes education, The Diabetes Educator 34:109-117, 2008
Funnell MM. Self-monitoring of blood glucose: A commentary, The Diabetes Educator 33:1012-1013, 2007
Funnell MM, Tang TS, Anderson RM. From DSME to DSMS: developing empowerment based self-management support, Diabetes Spectrum 20:221-226, 2007
Funnell MM. Pandora's Box or treasure chest? Addressing psychosocial needs of patients with diabetes. Invited Commentary, Practical Diabetes International 24:396, 2007
Funnell MM, Brown TL, Childs BP, Haas LB, Hosey GM, Jensen B, Maryniuk M, Peyrot, M, Piette, JD, Reader D, Siminerio LM, Weinger K, Weiss MA. National Standards for Diabetes Self-management Education, The Diabetes Educator 33:599-614, 2007
Martha M. Funnell
Dirección profesional:
300 North Ingalls St., 3D06, Box 0489 - MI 48109-0489, Ann Arbor, EE.UU.