Diane M Harper
Columnista Experta de SIIC

University of Missouri-Kansas, Kansas, EE.UU.
Columnista Experta de SIIC Diane M Harper en colaboración con Vierthalter Stephen L, MD, University of Missouri-Kansas, Kansas, EE.UU.

Fecha de aprobación: 23 de junio, 2011
Primera edición en siicsalud: 14 de marzo, 2012
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/107480  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalInfectología
Especialidad principalObstetricia y Ginecología

Especialidades relacionadas:
Atención Primaria,Inmunología,Medicina Familiar,Salud Pública,Urología,

  • Harper DM, Franco EL, Wheeler C, Ferris DG, Jenkins D, Schuind A, Zahaf T, Innis B, Naud P, Carvalho N, Rotelli C, Teixeira J, Blatter M, Korn A, Quint Wim Efficacy of a bivalent L1 virus-like particle vaccine in prevention of infection with human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in young women: a randomised controlled trial, Lancet 364:1757-1765, 2004

  • Villa LL, Costa RL, Petta CA, Andrade RP, Ault KA, Giuliano AR, Wheeler CM, Koutsky LA, Malm C, Lehtinen M, Skjeldestad FE, Olsson SE, Steinwall M, Brown DR, Kurman RJ, Harper DM Prophylactic Quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 virus-like particle vaccine in young women: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled multicentre phase II efficacy trial, Lancet Oncology 6(6):271-278, 2005

  • Wiley DJ, Harper DM, Elashoff D, Silverberg MJ, Kaestle C, Cook RL, Heilemann M, Johnson L. How condom use, number of receptive anal intercourse partners and history of external genital warts predict risk for external anal warts, International Journal of STD & AIDS 16(16):203-211, 2005

  • Harper DM, Franco EL, Wheeler C, Ferris DG, Jenkins D, Schuind A, Zahaf T, Innis B, Naud P, De Carvalho NS, Roteli-Martins CM, Teixeira J, Blatter MM, Korn AP, Quint W, Dubin G. Efficacy of a bivalent L1 virus-like particle vaccine in prevention of infection with human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in young women: A randomised controlled trial, Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 60(60):484, 2005

  • Harper DM, Franco EL, Wheeler CM, Moscicki A-B, Romanowski B, Roteli-Martins CM, Jenkins D, Schuind A, Costa Clemens SA, Dubin G on behalf of the HPV Vaccine Study Group. Sustained Efficacy up to 4.5 years of a bivalent L1 virus like particle vaccine against human papillomavirus types 16 and 18: follow-up from a randomised controlled trial, Lancet 367:1247-1255, 2006

  • Villa LL, Ault KA, Giuliano AR, Costa RL, Petta CA, Andrade RP, Brown DR, Ferenczy A, Harper DM, Koutsky LA, Kurman RJ, Lehtinen M, Malm C, Olsson SE, Ronnett BM, Skjeldestad FE, Steinwall M... Immunologic responses following administration of a vaccine targeting human papillomavirus Types 6, 11, 16, and 18, Vaccine 27(27):5571-5583, 2006

  • Harper DM, Nieminen P, Paavonen J, Lehtinen M. Cervical cancer incidence can increase despite HPV vaccination, Lancet Infect Dis 10(10):594-559, 2010

  • Cutts FT, Franceschi S, Goldie S, Castellsague X, de Sanjose S, Garnett G, Edmunds WJ, Claeys P, Goldenthal K, Harper DM, Markowitz L. Human Papillomavirus and HPV vaccines: a review, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 85(85):719-726, 2007

  • Joura EA, Leodolter S, Hernandez-Avila M, Wheeler CM, Perez G, Koutsky LA, Garland SM, Harper DM, Tang GWK, Ferris DG, Steben M, Jones RW, Bryan J, Taddeo FJ, Bautista OM, Esser MT... Efficacy of a quadrivalent prophylactic human papillomavirus (types 6/11/16/18) L1 virus like particle vaccine against high-grade vulval and vaginal lesions: A combined analysis of three clinical trials, Lancet 369(369):1693-1702, 2007

  • Harper DM, Williams KB. Prophylactic HPV Vaccines: Current Knowledge of Impact on Gynecologic Premalignancies, Discovery Medicine :, 2010

  • Diane M Harper Los suscriptores, miembros de SIIC y socios del Círculo de Lectores pueden solicitar información adicional. Para enviarla, SIIC solicitará aprobación del autor.

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    7900 Lee's Summit Road - MO 64139, Kansas, EE.UU.


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