Otros artículos de Hernando Curtidor Castellanos
Curtidor H, Rodríguez LE, Ocampo M, López R, García JE, Valbuena J, Vera R, Puentes A, Vanegas M, Patarroyo ME. Specific erythrocyte binding capacity and biological activity of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte binding ligand 1 (EBL-1)-derived peptides. Protein Sci 2005; 14(2):464-73.
Vera Bravo R, Torres E, Valbuena JJ, Ocampo M, Rodríguez LE. Puentes A, García JE, Curtidor H, Cortés J, Vanegas M, Rivera ZJ, Díaz A, Calderón MN, Patarroyo MA, Patarroyo ME. Characterising Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1510c protein and determining its sequences that specifically bind to two terget cell lines. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005; 332(3):771-781.
Salazar LM, Alba MP, Curtidor H, Bermúdez A, LE Vargas, Rivera ZJ, Patarroyo ME. Changing ABRA protein peptide to fit into the HLA-DRbeta1*0301 molecule renders it protection-inducing. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004; 322(1):119-125.
García JE, Curtidor H, López R, Rodríguez L, Vera R, Valbuena J, Rosas J, Ocampo M, Puentes A, Forero M, Patarroyo MA, Patarroyo ME. Liver stage antigen 3 Plasmodium falciparum peptides specifically interacting with HepG2 cells. J Mol Med 2004; 82(9):600-611.
Curtidor H, Ocampo M, Tovar D, López R, García J, Valbuena J, Vera R, Suárez J, Rodríguez LE, Puentes A, Guzmán F, Torres E, Patarroyo ME. Specific erythrocyte binding capacity and biological activity of Plasmodium falciparum-derived rhoptry-associated protein 1 peptides. Vaccine 2004; 22(8):1054-1062.
Ocampo M, Curtidor H, Vera R, Valbuena JJ, Rodríguez LE, Puentes A, López R, García JE, Tovar D, Pacheco P, Navarro MA, Patarroyo ME. MAEBL Plasmodium falciparum protein peptides bind specifically to erythrocytes and inhibit in vitro merozoite invasion. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004; 315(2):319-329.
Vera R, Ocampo M, Urquiza M, García JE, Rodríguez LE, Puentes A, López R, Curtidor H, Suárez JE, Torres E, Guzmán F, Díaz D, Cortés J, Bravo MM, Combita AL, Orozco O, Patarroyo ME. Human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 L1 protein peptide binding to VERO and HeLa cells inhibits their VLPs binding. Int J Cancer 2003; 107(3):416-424.
García JE, Puentes A, Suárez J, López R, Vera R, Rodríguez LE, Ocampo M, Curtidor H, Guzmán F, Urquiza M, Patarroyo ME. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) E1 and E2 protein regions that specifically bind to HepG2 cells. J Hepatol 2002; 36(2):254-262.
Ocampo M, Vera R, Rodríguez EL, Curtidor H, Urquiza M, Suárez J, García J, Puentes A, López R, Trujillo M, Torres E, Patarroyo ME. Plasmodium vivax Duffy binding protein peptides specifically bind to reticulocytes. Peptides 2002; 23(1):13-22.
Curtidor H, Urquiza M, Suárez JE, Rodríguez LE, Ocampo M, Puentes A, García JE, Vera R, López R, Ramírez LE, Pinzón M, Patarroyo ME. Plasmodium falciparum acid basic repeat antigen (ABRA) peptides: erythrocyte binding and biological activity. Vaccine 2001; 19(31):4496-4504.
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7 de abril, 2005
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16 de agosto, 2005
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7 de junio, 2021