Joshua Ogundele describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo The impact of seat-belts THE IMPACT OF SEAT-BELTS IN LIMITING ROAD CRASHES INJURY SEVERITIES The seat-belt is an effective tool that not only saves lives but also reduces the severity of injury to a vehicle occupant during road crashes. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación University college hospital, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas Afukaar F, Antwi P, and Ofosu-Amaah S. Pattern of road traffic injuries in Ghana: implications for control. Inj Control Saf Promot 10(12):69-76, 2003. Begg DJ, Langley DJ. Seat-belt use and related behavior among young adults. J Safety Res 31: 211-220, 2000. Campbell BJ. Safety belt injury reduction related to crash severity and front seat position. J Trauma27(7):733-739, 1978. Chliaoutakis E, Gnardellis C, Drakou I etal. Modeling the factors related to the seat belt use by the Young drivers of Athens. Accid Anal Prev 32:815-825, 2000. Cook LJ, Hoggins JL, Olson LM. Observed seat belt usage among drivers of heavy commercial vehicles drivers in Letah. Accid Anal Prev 40:1300-1304, 2008. Elvik R, Vaa T, eds. The handbook of road safety measures. Elsevier; 2004. Evans L. Safety belt effectiveness, the influence of crash severity and selective recruitment. Accid Anal Prev 28:423-433, 1996. Evans L. Safety belt effectiveness, the influence of crash severity and selective recruitment. Accid Anal Prev 28:423-433, 1996. Garrett JW, Braunstein PW. The seat-belt syndrome. J Trauma 2:220-238, 1962. Gordon WT. The influence of seatbelts use on road accident injury patterns. Aus N Z J Surg 56:13-17, 1986. Henderson M, Wood R. Compulsory wearing of seat-belts in NSW, Australia - an evaluation of its effects on vehicle occupant deaths in the first year. Med J Aust 2:797-801, 1973. Ismaila SO. Study on the use of seat-belt by Nigerian drivers. Aust. J. Basic & Appl Sci 4(3):494-497, 2010. Knoblauch R. Safety belt usage by commercial motor vehicle drivers. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 01:71, 2003. Kulowski J, Rost WB. Intra-abdominal injury from safety belt in auto accident. Arch Surg 73:970, 1956. Mackenzie E, Siegel J, Shapiro S et al. Functional recovery and medical costs of trauma: an analysis by type and severity of injury. J Trauma 28(3):281-297, 1988. Peltzer K. Road use behaviour in Africa. In: Porter B, eds. Handbook of traffic psychology. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2011:503-518. Restraints for adults and children in the back seat of private cars: an estimation of the effect of alternative regulations. Report 37A. Nordisk Trafiksikkerhedsrad; 1984. Pye G, Waters E. Effect of seat belt legislation on injuries in road traffic accidents in Nottingham. Br Med J Clin Res 288:756-757, 1984. Ray F, Jorge A. Santos. Human Factors For Highway Engineers. Emerald; 2002. P. 15. Rivara F, Grossman D, Cummings P. Injury prevention, first of two parts. N Engl J Med 337(8):543-548, 1997. Tavafian SS, Aghamolaei T, Gregory D, Madani A. Prediction of seat-belt use among Iranian automobile drivers: Application of the theory of planned behavior and the health belief model. Traffic Inj Prev 12:48-53, 2011. Vehicle and environmental factors as contributors to road crashes. In: Reducing injuries from excess and inappropriate speed. Allsop R, Werner B, editors. Brussels: European Transport Safety Council. Rue du cornet; 1995. Pp. 1-20. Other articles written by the author Joshua Ogundele Otros artículos de Joshua Ogundele 2. A.L. Akinyoola, L.M. Oginni, O.O. Adegbehingbe, E.A. Orimolade, O.J. Ogundele (2006) Causes of Limb amputations in Nigerian children. West Afr J Med Vol 25 No 4; 273-275. 3. AL Akinyoola, LM Oginni, EA Orimolade, OJ Ogundele (2007) Esmarch tourniquet in orthopaedic surgery. Tropical Doctor Vol 37 No 5;139-141. 4. AL Akinyoola, OO Adegbehingbe, JO Ogundele (2008) Factors influencing the outcome of elective paediatric operations in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Tanzania Journal of Health Research Vol10 No 2; 18-23 SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo The Impact of Seat-Belts in Limiting the Severity of Injuries in Patients Presenting to a University Hospital in the Developing World Author / Autor Joshua Ogundele1, Adeleke Ifesanya2, Sylvester Adeyanju3, Olusegun Ogunlade4 4 Prof, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria., Consultant Access to the original source Nigerian Medical Journal Article URL: / URL del artículo: URL of Abstract: / URL del abstract: URL of Abstract page in Medline: / URL del abstract en Medline: siic DB: / siic DB: |
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