Authors' Reports

Priyanka Jadhav
describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo


Our study indicates validity of claims in Ayurved, if medicinal plants selected on basis of its documented use, it leads to more hits which can be scientifically manipulated to find therapies for diseases. In treating infectious diseases, we hope ancient science can contribute to find solutions in developing countries.

The article was published by
El artículo fue publicado por
Chronicles of Young Scientists
Volume / Volumen: 3
Number / Número: 2
First and last pages / Páginas inicial-final: 111-120
Year / Año: 2012
Month / Mes: april

Principal institution where the research took place
Institución principal de la investigación
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Authors' Report

Crónica del Autor

Bibliographic references
Referencias bibliográficas

Bronzan RN, Taylor TE, Mwenechanya J, Tembo M, Kayira K, Bwanaisa L, et al. Bacteremia in Malawian Children with Severe Malaria: Prevalence, Etiology, HIV Coinfection, and Outcome. J Infect Dis 195:895-904, 2007.
Brundtland DGH. Removing Obstacles to Healthy Development. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; 1999.
Celum C, Wald A, Hughes J, Sanchez J, Reid S, Delany-Moretlwe S, et al. Effect of aciclovir on HIV-1 acquisition in herpes simplex virus 2 seropositive women and men who have sex with men: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 371:2109-2119, 2008.
Liu K, Jiang D, Zhang L, Yao Z, Chen Z, Yu S, Wang X. Identification of B- and T-cell epitopes from glycoprotein B of herpes simplex virus 2 and evaluation of their immunogenicity and protection efficacy. Vaccine 30(19):3034-3041, 2012.
Watson-Jones D, Weiss HA, Rusizoka M, Changalucha J, Baisley K, Mugeye K, et al. Effect of herpes simplex suppression on incidence of HIV among women in Tanzania. N Engl J Med 358: 1560-1571, 2008.
Xiuying P, Jianping L, Ruofeng S, Liye Z, Xuehong W, Yan L. Therapeutic efficacy of Hypericum perforatum L. extract for mice infected with an influenza A virus. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 90(2):123-30, 2012.

Other articles written by the author Priyanka Jadhav
Otros artículos de Priyanka Jadhav

SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA)
/ Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)

Priyanka Jadhav was invited by SIIC on
Priyanka Jadhav fue invitado por SIIC el
2012, october 16
  The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2021, march 9
The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2021, march 9
Published in siicsalud
Publicado en siicsalud
2021, june 7

The article is strictly related to the following sections of siicsalud
El artículo se relaciona estrictamente con las siguientes secciones de siicsalud

Pharmaceutical Medicine
/ Medicina Farmacéutica
Infectious Diseases
/ Infectología

and secondarily related to the following sections

y secundariamente con las siguientes secciones


Basic Pharmacology
Farmacología Básica


Travel Medicine
Medicina del Viajero


Information about the full text
Acerca del trabajo completo

Important Advances in Malaria Vaccine Research

Author / Autor
Priyanka Jadhav1

1 Dr., Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences, Gainesville, EE.UU., Research Scientist

Access to the original source
Chronicles of Young Scientists

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