B. P. Suryakumari Nujella describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo SALIVARY CONTAMINATION OF ONE BOTTLE ADHESIVES INFLUENCE OF SALIVARY CONTAMINATION ON DENTIN BOND STRENGTH OF ONE BOTTLE ADHESIVE SYSTEMS- INVITRO STUDY For effective bonding the primer should infiltrate demineralized collagen web. The present study showed that salivary contamination has no significant effect on the Shear Bond Strength of one bottle system when it was blot dried, washed or retched with H3PO4. When the contaminated surface was dried completely there was a significant decrease in bond strength. The bond strengths to tooth structure of recent dentin bonding agents are less sensitive to common forms of contamination than assumed. Re etching without additional mechanical preparation is sufficient to provide or achieve the expected bond strength. Thus adhesive restorations should have sufficient bond strengths to prevent micro leakage around restoration margins and reinforce the tooth structure against forces that cause fracture. Reliable bonding systems have revolutionized the practice of adhesive dentistry though improvements in bonding techniques and systems have yet to be continued. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación GOVT.DENTAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL , HYDERABAD, HYDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas 1. Johnson ME, Burgess JO, Hermesch CB & Buikema DJ. Saliva contamination of dentin bonding agents. Operative Dentistry 19(6):205-210, 1994. 2. Van Meerbeek BV, Inoue S, Perdigao S, Lambrechts P& Vanherle G. In: Summit JB, Robbins JW & Schwartz RS (eds.). Fundamentals Of Operative Dentistry 2nd edition Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc Chicago Illinois. pp. 1178-221; 2004. 3. Buonocore MG. A simple method for increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to enamel surfaces. J Dent Res 38:849-853, 1955. 4. Bowen RL. Dental filling material comprising Vinyl Silane treated silica and binder consisting of reaction product of bisphenol and glicydyl acrylate. US patent 3000, 112, Nov 1962. 5. Nakabayashi N, Kojima K, Matsuhara E. Promotion of adhesion by infiltration of monomers into tooth substrates. J Biomed Mat Res 16:265-273, 1982. 6. Tencate AR. Oral histology: Development, structure and formation. St. Louis Mosby. pp. 157; 1989. 7. Xie J, Powers JM, Mc Guckin RS. In vitro bond strength of two adhesives to enamel and dentin under normal and contaminated conditions. Dent Mater 9:295-299, 1993. 8. Mojon P, Kaltio R, Feduik D, Hawbolt EB, Mac Entee MI. Short - term contamination of luting cements by water and saliva. Dental Materials 12(2):83-87, 1966. 9. Hormati AA, Fuller JL, Denehy GE. Effects of contamination and mechanical disturbance on the quality of acid etched enamel. Journal of American Dental association 100(1):34-38, 1980. 10. Fritz UB, Finger WJ, Stean II. Salivary contamination during dentin bonding procedures with one bottle adhesive system. Quintessence International 29(9):567-511, 1998. 11. Safar JA, Davis RD, Overton JD. Effect of saliva contamination on the bond of dentin to resin -modified glass - ionomer cement. Operative Dentistry 24(6):351-357, 1999. 12. Pashley EL, Tao L, Mackert JR, Pashley DH. Comparison of invivo vs Invitro bonding of composite resin to the dentin of canine teeth. Journal of Dental Research 67(2):467-470, 1988. 13. Pashley DH, Horner JA, Brewer PD. Interaction of conditioners on dentin surface. Operative Dentistry Supplement 5:137-150, 1992. 14. Kanca J III. Resin bonding to wet substrate & Bonding to dentin. Quintessence International 23:39-41, 1992. 15. Nakabayashi N, Ashizawa M, Nakamura M. Identification of a resin - dentin hybrid layer in vital human dentin created in vivo: durable bonding to vital dentin. Quintissence International 23 135-141, 1992. 15. Nakabayashi N, Ashizawa M, Nakamura M. Identification of a resin - dentin hybrid layer in vital human dentin created in vivo: durable bonding to vital dentin. Quintissence International 23:135-141, 1992. 15. Nakabayashi N, Ashizawa M, Nakamura M. Identification of a resin - dentin hybrid layer in vital human dentin created in vivo: durable bonding to vital dentin. Quintissence International 23:135-141, 1992. Other articles written by the author B. P. Suryakumari Nujella Otros artículos de B. P. Suryakumari Nujella COMPARISON OF SHEAR BOND STRENGTH OF ESTHETIC RESTORATIVE MATERIALS - INVITRO STUDY SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo In Vitro Evaluation of Influence of Salivary Contamination on the Dentin Bond Strength of One-Bottle Adhesive Systems Author / Autor B. P. Suryakumari Nujella1 1 Dr, Mnr Dental College And Hospital - Sangareddy ,hyderabad India, Hyderabad, India, Reader Access to the original source Contemporary Clinical Dentistry siic DB: / siic DB: http://www.siicsalud.com/main/distriprinrel.php |
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