Gabriela Adriana Filip describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of her article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo Modulation of Dox–induced toxicity and chemoprotective effects by GSE MODULATION OF DOXORUBICIN–INDUCED CYTOTOXICITY AND PHOTOCHEMOPREVENTIVE EFFECTS BY A GRAPE SEED EXTRACT Grape seeds extract, Vitis vinifera L., variety Burgund Mare might be a chemoprotective candidate in reducing the oxidative stress and the risk for UV-induced cancer and recommend its use as such or in combination with sunscreens and/or other natural products with similar or complementary properties. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación Department of Radiobiology and Tumor Biology, „Prof. I. Chiricuta” Oncologic Institute, Cluj Napoca, Cluj, Romania ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor Bibliographic references Referencias bibliográficas Chis IC, Ungureanu MI, Marton A, Simedrea R, Muresan A, Postescu ID. Antioxidant effects of a grape seed extract in a rat model of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Vasc Dis Res 6(3):200-204, 2009. Dicu T, Postescu ID, Tatomir C, M. Tămaş, Cosma C. A novel method to calculate the antioxidant parameters of redox reaction between the polyphenolic compounds and stable DPPH radical. Ital J Food Sci Rev 22(3):333-339, 2010. Dicu T, Postescu ID, V Foriş, Brie I, Fischer-Fodor E, Moldovan M, Cosma C. The effect of a grape seed extract on radiation-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes. Amer Inst Phys Conf Proceed 1131:181-187, 2009. Filip A, Clichici S, Daicoviciu D, Catoi C, Bolfa P, Tatomir C, Baldea I, Gherman C, Postescu ID, Muresan A. Chemopreventive effects of Vitis Vinifera and Calluna Vulgaris extracts on UVB-induced skin damage in SKH-1 hairless mice. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 62(3):383-392, 2011. Filip A, Daicoviciu D, Clichici S, Bolfa P, Catoi C, Baldea I, Bolojan L, Olteanu D, Muresan A, Postescu ID. The effects of grape seeds polyphenols on SKH-1 mice skin irradiated with multiple doses of UV-B. Photochem Photobil Biol B: Biology 105:133-142, 2011. Filip A, Daicoviciu D, Clichici S, Mocan T, Muresan A, Postescu ID. Photoprotective effects of two natural products on UVB-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in SKH-1 mice skin. J Med Food 14(7-8):761-766, 2011. Perde-Schrepler M, Chereches G, Brie I, Tatomir C, Postescu ID, Soran L, Filip A. Grape seed extract as photochemopreventive agent against UVB-induced skin cancer. J Photochem Photobiol (in press). Postescu ID, Chereches G, Tatomir C, Daicoviciu D, Filip A. Modulation of Doxorubicin Induced Oxidative Stress by a Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) Seed Extract in Normal and Tumor Cells. J Med Food 15:639-645, 2012. Postescu ID, Tatomir C, Chereches G, Brie I, Damian G, Petrisor D, Hosu AM, Pop N. Spectroscopic characterisation of grape extracts with potential role in tumor growth inhibition. J Optoel Adv Mater (JOAM) 9(3):564-567, 2007. Postescu ID, Virag P, Achim M, Fischer-Fodor E. Influence of palm oil on doxorubicin induced cytotoxicity in normal and tumor cell cultures. Phytother Res 24(1):154-156, 2010. Sabau L, Damian G, Daicoviciu D, Muresan A, Postescu ID, Mihu D, Mihu C. In vivo study regarding antioxidant effect of a grape polyphenol extract using biochemical and FTIR methods. J Optoel Adv Mater (JOAM) 2(1):44-49, 2010. Suciu S, Postescu ID, Muresan A, Virag P, Daicoviciu D, Fischer-Fodor E. In vitro and in vivo studies on the modulatory effects of a grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract in normal and tumor cells. J Clin Biochem Nutr 43(Suppl.1):493-496, 2008. SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo Modulation of Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative Stress By a Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) Seed Extract in Normal and Tumor Cells Author / Autor Gabriela Adriana Filip1, Ion Dan Postescu2, Maria Perde Schrepler3, Gabriela Adriana Filip4 4 Associate Professor, Department Of Physiology, „iuliu Hatieganu” University Of Medicine And Pharmacy Access to the original source Journal of Medicinal Food Article URL: / URL del artículo: URL of Abstract page in Medline: / URL del abstract en Medline: siic DB: / siic DB: |
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