Ingreso: 3/ 2003 -
Editor: Rosie Stather.
Publication Manager: June Hearne |
Drug Safety
evaluations in pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, benefit-risk
and risk management
the premier international journal covering the disciplines of
pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology. benefit-risk assessment and
risk management. Drug Safety's structured program of peer reviewed
commissioned articles |
comprehensive coverage of all topics. High quality original research
focusing on the clinical implications of drug treatment safety
issues is also published.
Drug Safety specialises in definitive reviews on the epidemiology,
clinical features, prevention and management of adverse effects of
individual drugs or drug classes. Benefit-risk assessments provide
you with an in-depth review of adverse effect and efficacy data for
a drug in a specific disease. Drug Safety also features
reviews covering drug use in particular 'at-risk' patient groups,
and concept reviews of current thinking in pharmacovigilance, risk management
and medication error prevention.Articles focus on the practical
aspects of ensuring the safest possible use of drugs, including
analysis and interpretation of adverse effects, post-marketing
surveillance and pharmacoepidemiology. |
Abstracting/ indexing:
MEDLINE/Index Medicus, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica,
Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, BIOSIS® Database,
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts,
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información
Científica (SIIC) database
and Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences.
http://www.adis.com/page.asp?objectID=46#indexing |

Ingreso: 2003-
Editors-in-Chief: M.
Buchsbaum, K. Maurer, A. Pfefferbaum, H. Beckmann |
Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging
The Neuroimaging section of Psychiatry Research
publishes manuscripts on positron emission tomography, magnetic
resonance imaging, computerized electroencephalographic topography,
regional cerebral blood flow, computed tomography,
magnetoencephalography, autoradiography, post-mortem regional
analyses, and other imaging techniques. Reports concerning results
in psychiatric |
disorders, dementias, and the effects of behaviorial tasks and
pharmacological treatments are featured. We also invite manuscripts
on the methods of obtaining images and computer processing of the
images themselves. Selected case reports are also published.
Audience: Psychiatrists,
Neurologists, Psychopharmacologists and Clinical Neurophysiologists. |
BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE,
Index Medicus,
PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts and SIIC-Database
http://www.elsevier.com |

BB SIIC. Ingreso:
1992- |
QJM: An International
Journal of Medicine
Published by the
Oxford University
on behalf of the Association
of Physicians
of Great Britain
and Ireland
QJM is a
long-established, leading general medical journal. It focuses on
internal medicine and publishes peer-reviewed articles which promote
medical science and practice. |
QJM's international
editorial board ensures swift and thorough review of manuscripts in
clinical medicine and in molecular/cell science relevant to
medicine. Published monthly, QJM includes original papers,
editorials, reviews, commentary papers to air controversial issues,
and a correspondence column. QJM offers fast-track
publication when appropriate.
Impact Factor: 2.601 (2001), 2.252 (2000), 2.254 (1999)
Category: Medicine, General and Internal
Rank: 15/112 (2001), 19/105 (2000), 16/110 (1999)
This information is taken from the Journal Citation Reports,
published annually. |
Abstracting / Indexing:
Science Citation Index,
Current Contents: Clinical Medicine, Current Contents: Life Sciences,
Reference Update, Medline (Index Medicus),
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (SIIC),
Copyright ©Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland 2003
Print ISSN: 1460-2725 Online ISSN: 1460-2393.
Oxford University Press
Privacy Policy and Legal Statement
http://www3.oup.co.uk/jnls/list/qjmedj/scope/ |

BB SIIC. Ingreso:
4/2003 -
Editor: Professor
Leo van de Putte |
Annals of the Rheumatic
is the Official Journal of EULAR - the
European League Against Rheumatism
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) is an
international peer review journal committed to promoting the highest
standards of scientific exchange and |
education. It covers all
aspects of rheumatology, which includes the spectrum of
musculoskeletal conditions, arthritic disease, and connective tissue
disorders. ARD publishes basic, clinical, and translational
scientific research.
Concise scientific communication is encouraged and peer reviewed
proceedings of international meetings are featured. The education
section (being launched in 2004) will include state of the art reviews,
“how to” articles and educational cases that focus on problems faced
in clinical practice. The journal was first published in 1939 and has
an authorative global
Board and a growing international readership.
All (scientific) delegates to the annual EULAR congress receive a
complimentary 12 month subscription to the journal.
12 times a year plus
Readership: Clinicians (including trainees) and researchers
involved with all areas of rheumatology as well as affiliated
healthcare workers such as physiotherapists. |
Abstracting/ indexing:
Indexed by: Index
Medicus (Medline), ISI Current Contents (Web of Science), Excerpta
Medica (Embase)
Iberoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC)
http://ard.bmjjournals.com/misc/about.shtml |

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003
Editor in Chief for the
Americas: J.S. Ginsberg, Tel: +1(905)521-2100 ext 6973, Email:
Editor-in-Chief for the Rest of the world: P.M. Sandset, Tel:
+47 221 19240/47, Fax: +47 221 19040, E-mail:
thrombosis-research@ioks.uio.no |
Thrombosis Research
Thrombosis Research
publishes peer-reviewed original research on thrombosis,
hemostasis and fibrinolysis for the international scientific community.
Both basic and clinical studies are published. Publication of research,
which will lead to novel approaches in diagnosis, therapy, prognosis
and prevention of thrombotic and hemorrhagic diseases is given high
priority. Topics include biology, physiology and biochemistry of the
blood-vascular system; molecular biology; genetics; structure and
function of coagulation and fibrinolytic factors;
rheological and other physical properties of blood and thrombi;
atherogenesis; thrombogenesis; thromboembolism; thrombolysis and
epidemiology of cardiovascular disease; clinical studies of the
diagnosis, prevention and treatment of thromboembolism.
Thrombosis Research serves a world-wide audience for the rapid
dissemination of "cutting edge" information on thrombosis and
hemostasis. In addition to original research, the Journal publishes
Brief Communications which are short reports of new work; Letters to
the Editors-in-Chief which allow the expression of opinions and
criticisms on material published in the Journal and other topics of
interest; Editorials which provide comments on matters significant to
the readers of the Journal; and Reviews which describe topical and
relevant scientific issues. Supplement Issues are devoted to
publishing papers presented at national and international conferences.
The Editors-in-Chief, assisted by expert Associate Editors as well as
an international editorial board of 48 distinguished members, are
committed to the rapid dissemination of high quality, original
research aimed at the advancement of knowledge of the nature of the
vascular system in hemostasis and the pathogenesis involved in
atherogenesis and thrombogenesis.
The Journal is invaluable to scientists-in biology, biochemistry,
physiology, biophysics and clinical investigations-interested in basic
research and in the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of thrombotic,
hemorrhagic and other cardiovascular diseases. Research communications
submitted to Thrombosis Research are strictly peer-reviewed, and when
accepted, rendered a fast distribution to all major libraries in the
world as well as to individual subscribers.
Audience: Blood coagulation and thrombosis specialists, biorheologists,
molecular biologists, physiologists and neurologists. |
Abstracting/ Indexing:
BIOSIS, Current
Contents, EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE, Index Medicus, LIPIDORAMA,
Medline, Nutrition Abstracts, Sociedad
Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica.
http://www.elsevier.com |

Editor-in-Chief: P. Hoog |
Directorate of
Radiography, University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester M6
6PU, UK, Email:
Radiography is an International, English language, peer-reviewed
journal of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy. Radiography is
the official professional journal of the College of Radiographers
and is published quarterly.
Radiography aims to publish the highest quality material, both
clinical and scientific, on all aspects of diagnostic imaging and
radiation therapy and oncology. |
CINAHL, Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion
Cientifica (SIIC) Data Bases, EMBASE
http://www.elsevier.com |