Ingreso: 2003-
Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Official Journal of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College
of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
SAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry is
published by Blackwell Publishing Asia on behalf of the Royal
Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) to
provide a medium for the publication of high quality, peer-reviewed,
original research articles, reviews and case reports in the
field of psychiatry. In general, all articles submitted are peer
reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field. |
APAIS ASSIA Australian Family and Society Abstracts Australian
Medical Index Biological Abstracts (Produced by BIOSIS)
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts CancerLIT CINAHL Current Contents/Clinical
Medicine Current Contents/Social and Behavioural Sciences EMBASE/
Excerpta Medica Health Services Abstracts Index Medicus/MEDLINE
Inpharma Weekly (Adis) International Nursing Index Psychiatric
Rehabilitation JournalPsychological Abstracts PsycINFO PsycLIT
Reactions Weekly (ADIS)Research Alert Science Citation Index
SciSearch Social Planning/Policy and Development Abstracts
Social Sciences Citation Index Social SciSearch
Iberoamericane de Informacion
Sociological Abstracts UnCover
University Microfilms Year Book of Psychiatric and Applied
Mental Health
http://www.blackwellpublishing.com |

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Paul Trayhurn,
FRSE (Liverpool, UK)
Deputy Editors: Dr Prakash Shetty (Rome, Italy) |
British Journal of Nutrition
Published for the Nutrition Society by CABI
The British Journal of Nutrition is a leading
international, peer-reviewed journal of
nutritional science. Established by the Nutrition
Society in 1947, it has an international Editorial
Board with a central Editorial Office in London.
The BJN publishes original papers, short
communications, technical notes, review articles
and commentaries on human and animal nutrition and
on basic sciences as applied to nutritional
Debate on key issues is encouraged through
‘Letters to the Editor’ and the ‘Nutrition
Discussion Forum’. A recent innovation is the
‘Horizons in |
Nutritional Science’ series,
highlighting significant recent key developments
in nutrition. The journal also publishes book
reviews and Supplements on selective topics of
particular interest.
The BJN encompasses the full spectrum of
nutritional science – epidemiology, dietary
surveys, nutritional requirements and behaviour,
metabolic studies, body composition, energetics,
appetite, obesity, ageing, endocrinology,
immunology, neuroscience, microbiology, genetics
and molecular and cell biology. Submissions
addressing the new frontiers of the subject,
including the rapidly emerging area of nutritional
genomics, are especially encouraged.
The BJN is published monthly, in two volumes a
year. Throughout the 55+ years of its existence,
the journal has presented many influential and
highly cited studies in nutritional science; it
currently ( 2002 ) has an impact factor of 2.49. |
Abstracting /
British Journal of Nutrition is covered by
Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology &
Environmental Sciences, SciSearch®, Research Alert®,
Current Contents®/Life Sciences, Index Medicus® (MEDLINE®),
Awareness in Biological Science, EMBASE/Excerpta
Medica, BIOSIS®Database, CINAHL®Database, Chemical
Abstracts Service, and SIIC
http://www.cabi-publishing.org |
Journal of the National Cancer Institute®
The Journal of
the National Cancer Institute (print ISSN: 0027-8874, online
ISSN: 1460-2105) publishes peer-reviewed original research from
around the world and is internationally acclaimed as the source
for the most up-to-date news and information from the rapidly
changing fields of cancer research and treatment. For the past
several years, the JNCI has been ranked as the most-cited
original-research cancer journal by the Institute of Scientific
Information in its annual Journal Citation Reports. The
Journal of the National Cancer Institute's impact factor for
2002, as reported in 2003, was 14.500.
JNCI is published twice monthly by Oxford University Press
and is not affiliated with the United States National Cancer
http://www.jncicancerspectru |
BB SIIC. Ingreso: 1/2003 -
Editor-in-Chief: Barnett S. Kramer |
Indexing and abstracting:
indexed and abstracted by the following: Biological
Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, CINAHL Information
Systems, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Excerpta
Medica, Index Medicus, Institute for Scientific Information,
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC) Data
Bases, and Statistical Reference Index. |

Ingreso: 12/2003- |
International Journal of Cardiology
International Journal of Cardiology is devoted to
cardiology in the broadest sense. Both basic research and
clinical papers can be submitted. The journal serves the
interest of both practicing clinicians and
research workers.
Editorials, Brief Reports and Review Articles
covering recent developments are included. |
Controversial techniques, issues on health policy and social medicine are
discussed and serve as useful tools for encouraging debate.
International Journal of Cardiology has
no page charges.
Cardiac Surgeons, Pediatric Cardiologists, Researchers in
Cardiovascular Diseases. |
Abstracting/ Indexing:
BIOSIS, Current Contents/Life Sciences EMBASE, Elsevier
BIOBASE, Index Internacional de Cardiologìa-Sociedad
Ibeoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC), Index
Medicus.http://www.elsevier.com/ |

The premier publication in the field of liver disease,
Hepatology publishes original, peer-reviewed articles
concerning all aspects of liver structure, function and
disease. Each month, the distinguished Editorial Board
monitors and selects only the best articles on subjects such
as immunology, chronic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, cirrhosis,
genetic and metabolic liver diseases and their complications,
liver cancer, and drug metabolism. |
HEPATOLOGY is abstracted/indexed
in Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine,
Current Contents/Life Sciences, MEDLINE, ETOH, ISI and
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com |

Ingreso: 9/2003 -
S. Ragnar Norrby |
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases publishes
original papers on clinical aspects of infectious diseases.
The topics may concern clinical aspects of infectious diseases,
laboratory investigations of clinical significance (bacteriological,
virological, parasitological, mycological, immunological,
pathological, physiological, chemical and pharmacological),
epidemiological and epizootological studies of human infections
and experimental infections.
The journal was started in 1969 and was the first European
journal in English entirely devoted to the clinical and
microbiological aspects of infectious diseases.
Those working with the clinical and microbiological aspects of
infectious diseases.
http://www.tandf.co.uk |
Abstracts on
Hygiene and Communicable Diseases; ASCA (Automatic Subject
Citation Alert); Biological Abstracts; Biology Digest;
Biotechnology Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Cumulative Index to
Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); Current Advances
in Ecological and Environmental Sciences; Current Awareness in
Biological Sciences (CABS); Current Contents/Clinical Medicine;
Current Contents/Life Sciences; Dental Abstracts; Dokumentation
Arbeitsmedizin; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; FaxonFinder;
Helminthological Abstracts; Immunology Abstracts; Index Medicus/MEDLINE;
Index to Dental Literature; Index Veterinarius; Life Sciences
Collection; Medical Documentation Service; Microbiology
Abstracts Section A. Industrial and Applied Microbiology;
Microbiology Abstracts Section B. Bacteriology;
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información
Científica (SIIC) Data Bases; Microbiology Abstracts
Section C. Algology, Mycology and Protozoology; Modern Medicine;
PEDro; Periodicals Scanned and Abstracted. Life Sciences
Collection; PESTDOC; Pig News and Information; Protozoological
Abstracts; Reference Update; Research Alert; Review of Medical
and Veterinary Entomology; Review of Medical and Veterinary
Mycology; Review of Plant Pathology; Ringdoc; Science Citation
Index; SciSearch; Tropical Diseases Bulletin; VETDOC; Veterinary
Bulletin; Virology and AIDS Abstracts. |