SIIC. Ingreso:
5/2003 |
Urology Elsevier
Science is the publisher of the official journal of the
European Association of Urology. European
Urology continues to publish peer-reviewed original articles and
topical reviews on a wide range of urological problems. Topics as
oncology, impotence, infertility, pediatrics, lithiasis and
endourology, as well as recent advances in techniques,
instrumentation, surgery and pediatric urology, will provide readers
with a complete guide to international developments in
urology. Published monthly, European Urology is an
important journal for all clinicians and researchers in this
field. http://www.medicinedirect.com/journal/journal ?sdid=11000 |
Indexing: EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE, MEDLINE,
Sociedad Iberoamericana de
Informacion Cientifica (SIIC Data
Bases) |

Research® Editor-in-Chief: Michael
Weintraub, MD Published monthly, includes papers of
the following types: full-length, original scientific reports of
laboratory and clinical investigations, including pilot and Phase I
through IV studies; review articles; brief reports; commentaries;
and other short, definitive articles. The journal also publishes
in-journal and freestanding supplements based on proceedings of
symposia and investigator meetings, and collected articles on topics
such as single drugs with multiple disease applications and diseases
for which multiple therapeutic approaches
exist. http://www.currenttherapeuticres.com/id.html |
SIIC. Ingreso: 2003 -
Indexing and
abstracting: Biological
Abstracts (BIOSIS Previews), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied
Health Literature (CINAHL), Current Awareness in Biological Sciences
(CABS), Current Contents®/Life Sciences and Clinical Medicine,
Chemical Abstracts (CA Search and CAS Online), Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (Life Sciences Collection),
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Cientifica
(SIIC) Data Bases,
Current Advances in Clinical Chemistry, SCISEARCH, Excerpta Medica
(EMBASE), International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (International
Pharmaceutical Abstracts), Medical Documentation Service, Iowa Drug
Information Service (IDIS), PsycINFO (Psychological Abstracts),
Research Alert, Science Citation Index,
Derwent |

Biblioteca SIIC. Ingreso: 6/2003
Pediatric Research Editor-in-chief: Alvin Zipursky is the official publication of the American
Pediatric Society, the European Society for Paediatric Research, the
Society for Pediatric Research and the European Society for
Paediatric Haematology and Immunology. It is published monthly for
the International Pediatric Research Foundation by Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. Volumes begin in January and July and a
volume index appears in the June and December issues. |
The Journal is
currently included by the following services in print and/or
electronic format: Index Medicus, Current Contents (Life Sciences,
Science Citation Index, Research Alert, ISI/BioMed), BIOSIS,
Combined Cumulative Index to Pediatrics, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica,
Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (SIIC Data
Bases) and Research Information
Systems/Reference Update. http://www.pedresearch.org/

SIIC. Ingreso:
Journal of Perinatal
Medicine Official journal of the World Association of Perinatal
Medicine Editor-in-Chief: Joachim W. Dudenhausen The
Journal of Perinatal Medicine is a truly international forum
covering the entire field of perinatal medicine. It is an essential
news source for all those obstetricians and neonatologists who wish
to keep abreast of progress in obstetrical and neonatal
research. Publication frequency: bi-monthly (6 issues per year).
Approx. 500 pages per volume. 17 x 24
cm. http://www.degruyter.de
The contents of Journal of Perinatal
Medicine are now accessible online on our World Wide Web
site. The online version provides downloadable full-text articles in
PDF format, which allows reading of Journal of Perinatal Medicine on
screen and the printout of
articles. |
Indexing in: Automatic Subject Citation Alert
(ASCA®), Current Contents/Clinical Practice (CC/CP), ISI/BIOMED®,
Science Citation Index (SCI® ), SCI-SEARCH®, Index Medicus, Core
Journals, SIIC Data Bases
 Biblioteca SIIC. Ingreso: 1989
- |
European Respiratory Journal Editors in Chief:
Peter J. Sterk and Klaus F. Rabe http://www.personal.u-net.com/~ersj/ERJ/00Aims&Scope .html
ERJ is the official Journal of the European Respiratory
Society. Published in the English language, it features cutting edge
clinical and experimental work in the field of respiratory medicine.
It is the most highly regarded, peer reviewed, Respiratory Journal
in Europe. It includes original articles, series, editorials,
correspondence, short reports and case studies of the highest
quality from professionals on a worldwide
scale. |
The Journal is published monthly. Twelve issues are
published annually in two volumes of six issues each. Members of the
ERS receive the Journal as part of their membership. Subscribers
will receive any supplements to the Journal free of charge. Library
subscriptions are also
available. Become a member of the ERS and Subscribe
to the Journal.
This Journal is abstracted/ indexed in: Ad
Referendum, ADONIS, Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts,
Current Contents: Life Sciences; Clinical Medicine, Elsevier
BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta
Medica, Medical Documentation Service, Research Alert, Science
Citation Index, SciSearch and SIIC Data Bases http://www.ersj.u-net.com/ERJ/00Aims&Scope.html

SIIC. Ingreso:
1/2003 |
Ultrasound Official Journal of the World Federation for
Ultrasound in Medicine and
Biology. The journal publishes
original contributions on significant advances in clinical
diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic applications, new
and improved clinical techniques, the physics, engineering and
technology of ultrasound in medicine and biology, and the
interactions between ultrasound and biological materials,
including bioeffects. It is the aim of the journal fully to
meet the information and publication requirements of the
clinicians, scientists, engineers and other professionals who
constitute the biomedical ultrasonic
community. http://www.elsevier.com |
Abstracting /
Indexing: BIOSIS, Current Contents, EMBASE,
Electronics and Communications Abstracts, Elsevier BIOBASE,
ISI Biomed, Medline, PASCAL/CNRS, SCISEARCH, Safety Science
Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion
Cientifica (SIIC) Data Bases
| | |