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Salud(i)Ciencia fomenta la actualización y formación científica continua de la comunidad médica de habla hispana y portuguesa. La revista acepta trabajos de medicina clínica, quirúrgica oexperimental concernientes a todas las ciencias de la salud humana. Salud(i)Ciencia publica sus contenidos en castellano, portugués e inglés siendo las dos primeras las lenguas predominantes de Iberoamérica, considerándolas irreemplazables en la transmisión y comprensión unívoca para el estudio y actualización científica de la mayoría de los profesionales que habitan la región La revista adhiere a los principales consensos y requisitos internacionales que regulan la producción autoral y editorial de documentación científica biomédica. Somete su contenido a revisión científica, externa e interna. Salud(i)Ciencia sostiene su compromiso con las políticas de Acceso Abierto a la información científica, al considerar que tanto las publicaciones científicas como las investigaciones financiadas con fondos públicos deben circular en Internet en forma libre, gratuita y sin restricciones. Salud(i)Ciencia ratifica el modelo Acceso Abierto en el que los contenidos de las publicaciones científicas se encuentran disponibles a texto completo libre y gratuito en Internet, sin embargos temporales, y cuyos costos de producción editorial no son transferidos a los autores. Esta política propone quebrar las barreras económicas que generan inequidades tanto en el acceso a la información, como en la publicación de resultados de investigaciones en consonancia con la definición de Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) de acceso abierto. Los trabajos de las secciones Artículos originales y Revisiones se editan en castellano o portugués acompañados, en ambos casos, con las respectivas traducciones de sus resúmenes al inglés (abstracts). El contenido científico de Salud(i)Ciencia es responsabilidad de los autores que escribieron los textos originales. Salud(i)Ciencia adhiere a la licencia Creative Commons (CC) BY NC ND que da libertad para compartir, copiar y redistribuir el material en cualquier medio y formato siempre que se cite de manera adecuada la fuente y se remita a la publicación. Los autores tienen libertad de difundir su trabajo y hacerlo disponible en otros medios dando crédito a la publicación original y proporcionando un enlace directo a ella. Esta licencia no permite el uso comercial de la obra original ni obras derivadas.
Salud(i)Ciencia fosters the continuing development and scientific knowledge of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking medical community. The journal accepts papers on clinical, surgical or experimental medicine involving all human health sciences. The quality of the papers it edits has been confirmed by professional reviewers who select and evaluate the documents to be published. Salud(i)Ciencia publishes its contents in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The first two are the most widely-spoken languages in Ibero-America and are thus considered essential in the transmission and clear understanding of the articles for study purposes and the further scientific development of professionals in the region. Articles by Brazilian or Portuguese authors are edited in Portuguese, while those terms or phrases that might prove difficult for Spanish-speakers are translated. Salud(i)Ciencia publishes original articles, reviews, clinical cases, observational studies, authors’ chronicles, interviews with specialists and other documents. It invites prominent authors from around the world to present their unpublished papers to the biomedical community catered for by the journal, which enjoys extensive physical and virtual distribution. The journal respects the international standards and requisites governing the authorial and editorial production of biomedical scientific documentation. The content of such documentation undergoes external and internal scientific review. Each unpublished paper submitted to Salud(i)Ciencia is evaluated by a minimum of two external scientific reviewers (peer review), who judge the scientific relevance, technical precision, methodological rigour, clarity and objectivity of the manuscripts. The reviewers of Salud(i)Ciencia content are from the academic world and receive no financial compensation for their scientific collaboration. The authors do not know the names of their evaluators. Salud(i)Ciencia maintains its commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research financed with public funds should benefit from unrestricted circulation on Internet free of charge. Salud(i)Ciencia ratifies the Open Access model in which the content of scientific publications is freely available in full on Internet free of charge, without any form of embargo. The costs of such editorial production are not transferred to the authors, nor does the journal apply any submission charges. This policy seeks to break down the economic barriers that produce inequality, both in access to information and in the publication of research results in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. The papers in the sections Originals and Revisions are edited in Spanish or Portuguese and are accompanied in both cases by translations into English of their respective abstracts. The short Colleagues Inform section edits objective summaries in Spanish supplied by editor colleagues on a selection of specific new developments from around the world. The Beyond Health page at the end of the journal features texts related to human medicine and health from other areas of knowledge. The scientific content of Salud(i)Ciencia is the sole responsibility of the authors of the original texts. Salud(i)Ciencia complies with the Creative Commons (CC) BY NC ND license which allows material to be shared, copied and redistributed in any medium and format, provided the source is appropriately cited and the work is submitted for publication. The authors have the freedom to disseminate their work and make it available in other media crediting the original publication and providing a direct link to it. This license does not allow the commercial use of the original work or works resulting from it. |
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